Thursday, December 31, 2009

Safeguards to be taken while installing an assembled computer:

In markets worldwide there are two types of computers available to the average home PC user viz., branded PC and assembled PC. Each has got its own benefits and drawbacks that are beyond the scope of this article. Usually a branded PC is delivered and installed by the OEM (or their dealers) at the customers’ home. So, there are no hassles about installation.
The same is not the case with an assembled PC. While taking delivery of the PC make sure that you take delivery of the motherboard drivers CD, DVD-drivers CD, display unit (monitor) drivers CD, and graphics card drivers CD, sound card drivers CD and LAN card drivers CD. These are most essential to configure the assembled PC the first time you start using it. Apart from this it is a common practice that you are also given a complimentary utilities CD also. This takes care of the hardware part. When it comes to the software part you need some operating system software like windows or Linux. So ensure that you also get these CDs along. Remember that you need all these CDs for a proper installation of the assembled computer.
Irrespective of which type of computer you are buying you need to preserve all the CDs that you got while buying the computer. The reason for this is quite simple. Technology development these days is so fast that today’s technology becomes obsolete in a few months and if you have purchased the computer intending to use it for 3 years you wouldn’t find these CDs the second time when you need them. So keep them locked up in a safe place.
So long as you have a steady power supply it is fine to draw power to the computer directly. In all other cases where there is a likelihood of power fluctuations buy an UPS to be used with the PC. With all these equipment at your disposal install the assembled PC and enjoy computing.

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